"Composition" Paintings 2010

This is a series of paintings made with generic hardware store spray paint on exterior plywood and chipboard panels. I use one hand-cut mask on each painting. I'll use that mask for one or two paintings. The texture of the plywood and chipboard give these pieces an added level of interest. These paintings are done without any pre-planning or sketches. I just start painting and ad lib my way to completion.

I call them "Compositions" because they are composed, on the fly, much the way I've played ad libbed music. You start with a chord pattern, here represented by the paint mask, then play with it. The goal is a pleasing, balanced combination of rhythm and harmony. In the act of creation each step is determined by what preceeded it. Just like in jazz: there are no mistakes, only bad resolution. (Martin Scherer)

This is "Composition #1" (60"x30"). This one is on exterior plywood.

Below is "Composition #2" (42"x40"). This one is on a different kind of exterior plywood siding.

Below is "Composition #3" (48"x48"), on exterior chipboard panel.

Below is "Composition #4" (48"x48") on exterior plywood panel.

Below is "Composition #5" (24"x48") on exterior chipboard panel.

Below is "Composition #6 (24"x48") painted on the back side of exterior grade chipboard.

Below is "Composition #7 (48"x48") on exterior plywood panel.