by Hugo Farr

Lance Romance pranced around the dance floor in his fancy new pants, glancing at the talking gawkers, when suddenly he struck a statuesque stance. There was a rocket in the pocket of his taught, tight trousers. Near here the roughhousers and rabble-rousers raised the rabble, babbling about draggin' fags out to be fragged. Uncouth jack-booted clench-toothed youth throwing fits with flailing fists. All in all they heed the call of the smallest-brained Neanderthal.
Upstairs fair haired Claire sits there and stares at her wares but never stirs from her chair. She can see the faire from there but doesn't care. She sits and knits, bit by bit, clothes that never seem to fit. Claire combs her hair and says her prayers and prepares for scary nightmares.
A close shave recently saved Dave from the grave. Dave, who lives in a cave and sells autoclaves, raves about freeing the slaves and "the home of the brave". Maybe he'll find an enclave where he can behave, the nave. Wave to Dave.
Chester was crowned best at the Jester Fest. His best friend Lester Nester could be his successor if put to the test. Be my guest. They are the clowns of renown and they'll come around your town `round about sundown. The slickest, slap-happy slap-stick side-kicks that ever showed a slide-show at a side-show, don't 'cha know.
Larry, looked longingly at Lance. He loaded his Luger, lifted his large lapels and laughed. His other lover, Lisa, languished alone, lingering over lunch in the Loo, leafing through leaflets. Lisa lathered at the thought of Larry at large, lounging in the lap of luxury while laying for a chance to lure an unlucky Lance in to the lavatory to hear the end of the story.
Chuckie, chained to a choo-choo train in the rain, swears he'll change. He'll refrain from chucking chunks of chalk while the teacher talks. He'll choose the choices of charity and chastity and champion the cause of the unfortunate churlish children. Chuckie chuckles, he'll change if we arrange to unchain him from the train bound for Spain. He'll remain without disdain, he'll contain his pain again and again. Lotsa luck Chuck.
Helen and Ellen, selling melons, tell their clientele, Mel and Del, to go to hell. The demoiselles smelled of muscatel. At the sound of a bell a sentinel expelled Nelle and Jezebel from the citadel as infidels. Nelle fell in the well and Jezebel, compelled to rebel, yelled at the personnel. They went to a hotel for a drinking spell.

Well, it's been swell, say farewell.

Way Out West © 1993 Martin Scherer. E-mail: mscherer@tesserak.net