An astounding brown pounding resounds around downtown, drowning out stout louts shouting about ground-mounds and hell-hounds. Even a crowd of loud, proud, well endowed thunder-clouds bows, hour by hour, to it's towering power. Even the lean, mean, gleaming machines, teeming with tenders and menders rendering tender loving shoving, grovel at the grandeur of the gargantuan greatness of this nobel noise. The pell-mell smell of hells bells rears to spear ears to fear-tears. A terrible swearing, air-tearing, terror refined, that's designed to find and blinds minds. That moronic sonic tonic saturates and permeates every crook and nanny, every creep and ninny, every Greek and granny. It screams Fed-red, tight-white and true-blue in the face in a race to out-pace another race, post-haste. What a waste. Hands span the moat, throttling throats for votes. A despicable demonstration of a deafening destruction of democracy. A sample of the stupendous sound of the stupidity serenade. A preposterously pompous parade of predominantly party-pirates.

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